28 Jan Breathing, Meditation, Thought Patterns The Importance of a Daily Morning Ritual January 14, 2022 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Do you practice a daily morning ritual or do you let your mornings run you? If you...Continue reading
17 Jan Breathing, Meditation 2 Breathing Exercises For Your Daily Routine January 14, 2022 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Many people are unaware of how important breathing exercises for your daily routine are for your well-being. When feeling depres...Continue reading
10 May Breathing, Meditation, Yoga What Nutrients Are Important in a Plant-Based Diet? January 11, 2022 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin You have to know what nutrients are important if you’re either planning on switching to a plant-based diet or already have. You ...Continue reading
03 May Breathing, Meditation How Do I Get Protein on a Plant-Based Diet? January 11, 2022 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Plant-based diets continue to sweep the nation, but there are still a large majority of people turning to animal meat on a daily...Continue reading
28 Apr Breathing, Meditation We’re Men, But We Don’t Need Meat January 11, 2022 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin When it comes to toxic masculinity and the perceived image of what it means to be a man, there’s nothing more outdated than the ...Continue reading
27 Jan Breathing, Meditation, Thought Patterns Are Multiple Intelligences Affecting Your Quality of Life? November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin When you hear the term intelligence, you probably think of someone’s intelligence quotient -- commonly referred to as IQ. Belie...Continue reading
20 Jan Breathing, Meditation, Thought Patterns Breaking Down the Character Strengths Inside All of Us November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin It is long believed that every individual possesses and shares in common 24 character strengths that will provide the framework...Continue reading
13 Jan Breathing, Meditation, Thought Patterns, Yoga The Benefits and Challenges of Self-Regulation — Or Lack of It November 13, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Self-regulation, as defined by Merriam-Webster, means control or supervision from within instead of by an external authority. In...Continue reading
06 Jan Breathing, Meditation, Thought Patterns What Is Post Traumatic Growth and Is It Possible? November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin You’ve probably heard of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a disorder occurring in those that experience or witne...Continue reading
16 Dec Breathing, Meditation, Thought Patterns 4 Habits That Can Change Your Life for the Better November 13, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin We are all creatures of habit, whether it be good, bad, or a little bit of both. The following habits that can change your life ...Continue reading