01 Jul Meditation, Yoga Why Should Men Start Yoga Today? November 16, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Should men start yoga? Yoga has become an extremely popular hobby, especially among women. That doesn’t mean men should shy away...Continue reading
25 Jun Meditation, Positive Psychology, Yoga Benefits of Positive Psychology November 13, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin For many years, we mostly concerned ourselves with what was going wrong in our lives and this can be true for society as a whole...Continue reading
10 Jun Meditation, Thought Patterns, Yoga Life Coach vs. Therapy November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin We often find ourselves in times of despair, stress, frustration with the direction our lives are falling in. Due to this feeli...Continue reading
04 Jun Breathing, Meditation, Yoga Why You Need to Expose Yourself to Nature More Often November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Our environment has a way of impacting our mood, both positively and negatively. More times than not, we find ourselves in an u...Continue reading
20 May Breathing, Meditation, Positive Psychology, Thought Patterns, Yoga What is Toxic Masculinity and Why Does it Need to be Addressed? November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Toxic masculinity is a term that has become widely popular as of late, leaving many to search for ways of addressing the issue ...Continue reading
13 May Meditation, Positive Psychology, Thought Patterns, Yoga Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Men November 13, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Emotional intelligence (EQ) plays a major role in the decisions made on a daily basis. It will hold a strong influence on your r...Continue reading
28 Apr Breathing, Positive Psychology, Thought Patterns, Yoga Calling all Athletes! 6 Ways Yoga Can Compliment Your Sport November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Sports are fun and challenging for all. There are professional, semi-pro, college, high school and recreational athletes all st...Continue reading
23 Feb Breathing, Meditation, Positive Psychology, Thought Patterns, Yoga Is Life Moving Too Fast For You? November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Is life moving too fast? As we move further into 2020, many of you are probably thinking to yourselves: ...Continue reading
21 Feb Breathing, Meditation, Positive Psychology, Thought Patterns, Yoga How Can Yoga Change Your Life For the Better? November 16, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin How can yoga change your life? While yoga continues to gain popularity and recognition around the world, it will forever be one ...Continue reading
17 Feb Breathing, Meditation, Yoga Dealing With Heavy Criticism and Judgement November 12, 2021 By Dan Facebook Twitter linkedin Dealing with heavy criticism is difficult. We’re human. We like to judge others, we love to have an opinion, and we love it eve...Continue reading